CHI as Home Major REL as Second Major
Students taking Chinese Language and Literature (CHI) as their Home Major are required to take all core courses (36 units) and 4 electives (12 units). Details are given below. In their Second Major programme, they are required to take 10 core courses (30 units) and 4 electives (12 units).  
Core Courses (36 units) Core Courses (30 units)
CHIL 2005 中國文學史 (先秦至五代) RELI 1005 Quest for Truth and Meaning
CHIL 2006 文學概論 RELI 2006 Introduction to Christianity and Civilizations
CHIL 2007 現代漢語語法 RELI 2007 Problems of Philosophy
CHIL 2015 讀書指導 RELI 2015 Approaches to the Study of Religion
CHIL 2016 文字學 RELI 2016 Buddhism
CHIL 2017 古代漢語 RELI 2017 Religious Rituals and Practices in Hong Kong
CHIL 2025 中國文學史 (宋至清) RELI 2026 Theology, Liberalism and Sex in Chinese Societies
CHIL 2026 中國現當代文學 (1917–現在) RELI 3005 Daoist Religion
CHIL 3005 漢語音韻學 RELI 3006 Major Streams in Chinese Philosophy
CHIL 4005 文學批評 RELI 4005 Philosophy of Religion
CHIL 4898-9 畢業寫作 (論文 / 創作)  
Major Elective Courses (12 units: 3 courses from Group A and 1 course from Group B/C/D) Major Elective Courses (Any 4 of the following three groups)

Group A: 思想文化
CHIL 2045 英譯中國名著選讀(思想文化)
CHIL 4006 中國目錄學
CHIL 4007 經典 – 精讀與反思
CHIL 4015 經學與中國文化
CHIL 4016 中國思想與文學
CHIL 4017 中國文化統整研究
CHIL 4025 論語
CHIL 4026 傳統中國文化的現代觀照
CHIL 4027 先秦儒家專書選讀
CHIL 4035 諸子選讀
CHIL 4036 西方文學名著 (中譯) 選讀 (思想文化)
CHIL 4037 莊子
CHIL 4107 中國史學名篇 (思想文化)
CHIL 4207 西方漢學

Group B: 語言文字
CHIL 4045 漢語與中國文化
CHIL 4046 中文修辭學
CHIL 4047 訓詁學
CHIL 4055 漢語實用語法
CHIL 4056 中國語文專書研究
CHIL 4057 中國語文專題研究
CHIL 4305 漢語方言學概要

Group C: 古代文學
CHIL 1005 歷代中國詩選
CHIL 1006 歷代中國散文選
CHIL 2046 英譯中國名著選讀(古代文學)
CHIL 3006 中國傳記文學(古代文學)
CHIL 3007 中國古典小說
CHIL 3015 詞曲選
CHIL 3016 中國史傳文選讀
CHIL 4065 楚辭
CHIL 4066 中國古典戲劇
CHIL 4067 詩經
CHIL 4075 中國文學理論批評專題 (古代文學)
CHIL 4076 中國古典小說戲劇專題研究
CHIL 4077 中國古典文學專題研究
CHIL 4085 中國文學史專題研究 (古代文學)
CHIL 4086 中國專家詩詞
CHIL 4087 文心雕龍
CHIL 4097 西方文學名著 (中譯) 選讀 (古代文學)
CHIL 4206中 國史學名篇 (古代文學)

Group D: 現代文學
CHIL 3017 中文創意寫作法
CHIL 3025 香港文學對話
CHIL 3026 現代中文小說寫作
CHIL 3027 現代中文散文寫作
CHIL 3057 中國傳記文學 (現代文學)
CHIL 4095 現當代中國作家研究
CHIL 4096 中國現當代文學專題研究
CHIL 4105 中國文學理論批評專題(現代文學)
CHIL 4106 中國文學史專題研究 (現代文學)
CHIL 4205 西方文學名著 (中譯) 選讀 (現代文學) 

Group I: Philosophical Studies
RELI 2025 Social Justice, Liberalism and Economic Equality
RELI 3007 Philosophy, Meaning and Knowledge
RELI 3015 Existence and Reality
RELI 3016 Philosophy, Morality and Society
RELI 3027 Existentialism and Nihilism
RELI 3045 Contemporary Ethical Problems
RELI 3046 Hermeneutics
RELI 3055 Logic and Scientific Methodology
RELI 3056 Philosophy of Mind, Consciousness, and Personal Identity
RELI 3057 Philosophy, Modernism and Postmodernism
RELI 3066 The Meaning of Humanity: The Philosophies of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche
RELI 4006 Comparative Philosophy: East and West
RELI 4016 Selected Topics/Readings in Philosophy
RELI 4055 Philosophy of Language and Chinese Philosophy

Group II: Christian Studies
RELI 2005 History of Christian Thought
RELI 3017 A Survey of Jewish and Christian Scriptures
RELI 3025 Biblical Theology and Moral Life
RELI 3026 Christianity, Humanism and the Contemporary World
RELI 3036 Christian Social Thought
RELI 3037 Christian Spirituality
RELI 4017 Chinese Christianity
RELI 4025 Christianity and Chinese Culture
RELI 4026 Christianity, Modern Science and the Environment
RELI 4027 Selected Topics/Readings in Christian Studies

Group III: Religious Studies
RELI 3035 Philosophical Issues in Chinese Religion
RELI 3047 Islam
RELI 3065 History of Modern Western Philosophy: From Descartes to Marx
RELI 3067 Modern Logic and Logics in Religious Discourse
RELI 3075 Religious and Animals
RELI 3076 Religion and Consumerism
RELI 3077 Religion and Social Movements
RELI 3085 Chinese Popular Religion
RELI 3086 Religion, Violence and Peace
RELI 4015 Mysticism and Religious Experience
RELI 4035 Comparative Religious Themes
RELI 4036 Religion and Ideology
RELI 4037 Religion and Modern Society
RELI 4045 Religions in Northwestern China Today
RELI 4046 Selected Topics/ Readings in Religious Studies
RELI 4047 Mind in Chinese Buddhist Philosophy
RELI 4056 Philosophy, Religion, and Market Economy
RELI 4057 Religious Charity, Public Good and Chinese Society

Updated in Apr 2017